Passive Components\Filters\EMI Gaskets, Sheets, Absorbers & Shielding
Thermally Conductive Interface Pads
3M™ Thermally Conductive Interface Pads are designed to provide a preferential heat transfer path between heat-generating components, heat sinks, and other cooling devices. The interface pads consist of a highly conformable and slightly tacky silicone elastomer with thermally conductive ceramic particles, which help in providing enhanced thermal conductivity and excellent insulation performance. The high thermal conductivity and dielectric strength pads can be die-cut to fit individual applications. Typical applications include Integrated Circuit (IC) chip packaging heat conduction, heat sink interface, LED board Thermal Interface Material (TIM), and Chip ON Film (COF) heat conduction.
Основные характеристики AB7030HF, EMI Gaskets, Sheets, Absorbers & Shielding EMI ABSORBER 210MMX297MM