Passive Components\Filters\EMI Gaskets, Sheets, Absorbers & Shielding
The KEMET Magnetic Sheet for radio frequency identification (RFID) FLEX SUPPRESSOR® prevents interference between a loop antenna and metallic objects and effectively improves the communication range of RFID. The flexible sheet is a polymer base, blended with micron-sized magnetic powders dispersed throughout the material. These sheets improve the magnetic flux convergence and can be cut into a variety of shapes and sizes.
• Magnetic flux convergence improvement - increases the relative permeability (u') while keeping the magnetic loss (u") low.
• Effective carrier frequency 13.56 Mhz
• Operating temperature from -40°C to +105°C
• Less time required for installation
• Resistant to shock, not brittle
• Easily cut into any shape
• Easily laminates the FLEX SUPPRESSOR® roll to the tag roll
• RoHS compliant and halogen-free
Основные характеристики M4(200)-240X240T0800, EMI Gaskets, Sheets, Absorbers & Shielding M4 FLEX SHEET 240x240x0.2mm