Passive Components\Filters\EMI Gaskets, Sheets, Absorbers & Shielding
Board Level Shielding
TE Connectivity's Board Level Shielding (BLS) are EMI shields sealed with one and two-piece metal cages. These BLS provide isolation of board-level components, minimize crosstalk, and reduce EMI susceptibility without impacting system speed. The BLS is available in both industry-standard Cold Rolled Steel (CRS) and aluminum materials. Usage of aluminum minimizes overall weight by maintaining similar EMI suppression and provides 5-times better thermal conductivity than CRS. Ideal for applications with the requirement of board-level EMI suppression.
Основные характеристики 2118718-2, EMI Gaskets, Sheets, Absorbers & Shielding CRS, 26.21mmx26.21mm Std Shield Frame